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2000*800mm industrial Baguette Trays Used On Mecatherm Line
2020-05-26 17:30:15

A recently project we did about baguette tray was a huge size-2000*800mm, this requirement came from Vietnam, which was a colony of France, you can see the baguette everywhere. The owner Mr Charles was born in France, a Chef at beginning, and invested very big wholesalers in HCMC. Originally, he bought all the Mechatherm baguette equipment from France, as well as the baguette trays. But as you know, it is very far from France to Vietnam, he is always very headache about the lead time, service and price with France manufacturers. At IBA exhibition, he met Mr Jack Wang from RK Bakeware and found RK is an expert on the design, manufacturing of industrial bake wares, including the huge baguette trays 2000*800mm. He said for such a big size, there is not more than three manufacturers in this world can make a good quality. So he is very happy RK Bakeware did a good job for him



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