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Tray Solutions For Auto-Bake Serpentine Lines
2020-05-26 17:30:15

In recent years, we helped our customers developed many new trays for their Auto-Bake Serpentine Lines, which is a very famous automatic line brand from Australia, now belong to USA Middleby Group. As you know, most bakeries are trying to expand their product ranges, with different receipts, size and shapes. We are ready to help them save their investment and get a quick supply to those new moulds. Mr Park, RK Manager, from CP Group Thailand, is one of those customers, his plant is using Auto Bake Serpentine Lines, and we helped him to develop a new tray for custard cakes. Also, we can develop trays to match Capway, AMF, Mecatherm Lines. Please kindly check the following picture and videos to see more



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